##// END OF EJS Templates
fixed instructions for git
fixed instructions for git

File last commit:

r1776:22333ddd beta
r1786:02a26ed0 beta
Show More
274 lines | 12.8 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
fixed some limits in changesets and changelogs
r1130 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="title()">
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 ${c.repo_name} ${_('Changeset')} - r${c.changeset.revision}:${h.short_id(c.changeset.raw_id)} - ${c.rhodecode_name}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </%def>
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 ${_('Changeset')} - r${c.changeset.revision}:${h.short_id(c.changeset.raw_id)}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </%def>
<%def name="page_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
<div class="table">
started work on #93 added rev ranges view, checkboxes in changelog to view ranges of changes
r977 <div class="diffblock">
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <div class="code-header">
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 <div class="date">${_('commit')} ${c.changeset.revision}:${h.short_id(c.changeset.raw_id)} ${c.changeset.date}</div>
<div class="diff-menu-wrapper">
<img class="diff-menu-activate" style="cursor: pointer" alt="diff-menu" src="${h.url('/images/icons/script_gear.png')}" />
<div class="diff-menu" style="display:none">
<li>${h.link_to(_('raw diff'),h.url('raw_changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.changeset.raw_id,diff='show'))}</li>
<li>${h.link_to(_('download diff'),h.url('raw_changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.changeset.raw_id,diff='download'))}</li>
<div class="comments-number" style="float:right;padding-right:5px">${len(c.comments)} comment(s) (${c.inline_cnt} ${_('inline')})</div>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
<div id="changeset_content">
<div class="container">
<div class="left">
<div class="author">
<div class="gravatar">
<img alt="gravatar" src="${h.gravatar_url(h.email(c.changeset.author),20)}"/>
<span><a href="mailto:${h.email_or_none(c.changeset.author)}">${h.email_or_none(c.changeset.author)}</a></span><br/>
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 <div class="message">${h.link_to(h.wrap_paragraphs(c.changeset.message),h.url('changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.changeset.raw_id))}</div>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
<div class="right">
<div class="changes">
fixed some limits in changesets and changelogs
r1130 % if len(c.changeset.affected_files) <= c.affected_files_cut_off:
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <span class="removed" title="${_('removed')}">${len(c.changeset.removed)}</span>
<span class="changed" title="${_('changed')}">${len(c.changeset.changed)}</span>
<span class="added" title="${_('added')}">${len(c.changeset.added)}</span>
fixed some limits in changesets and changelogs
r1130 % else:
<span class="removed" title="${_('affected %s files') % len(c.changeset.affected_files)}">!</span>
<span class="changed" title="${_('affected %s files') % len(c.changeset.affected_files)}">!</span>
<span class="added" title="${_('affected %s files') % len(c.changeset.affected_files)}">!</span>
% endif
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
%if len(c.changeset.parents)>1:
<div class="merge">
fixed some anchor id problems for changeset ranges
r1676 ${_('merge')}<img alt="merge" src="${h.url('/images/icons/arrow_join.png')}"/>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
fixed initial commit missing parents div,...
r551 %endif
%if c.changeset.parents:
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %for p_cs in reversed(c.changeset.parents):
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 <div class="parent">${_('Parent')} ${p_cs.revision}: ${h.link_to(h.short_id(p_cs.raw_id),
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
fixed initial commit missing parents div,...
r551 %else:
<div class="parent">${_('No parents')}</div>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <span class="logtags">
<span class="branchtag" title="${'%s %s' % (_('branch'),c.changeset.branch)}">
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 ${h.link_to(c.changeset.branch,h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.changeset.raw_id))}</span>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %for tag in c.changeset.tags:
<span class="tagtag" title="${'%s %s' % (_('tag'),tag)}">
Fixes for raw_id, needed for git...
r636 ${h.link_to(tag,h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.changeset.raw_id))}</span>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %endfor
Implemented --stat for changelog
r1257 <span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight: bold">
${_('%s files affected with %s additions and %s deletions.') % (len(c.changeset.affected_files),c.lines_added,c.lines_deleted)}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 <div class="cs_files">
Implemented --stat for changelog
r1257 %for change,filenode,diff,cs1,cs2,stat in c.changes:
<div class="cs_${change}">
fixed issue with new files and removed files with using inline comments
r1687 <div class="node">
%if change != 'removed':
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 ${h.link_to(h.safe_unicode(filenode.path),c.anchor_url(filenode.changeset.raw_id,filenode.path))}
fixed issue with new files and removed files with using inline comments
r1687 %else:
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 ${h.link_to(h.safe_unicode(filenode.path),h.url.current(anchor=h.FID('',filenode.path)))}
fixed issue with new files and removed files with using inline comments
r1687 %endif
Implemented --stat for changelog
r1257 <div class="changes">${h.fancy_file_stats(stat)}</div>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %endfor
fixed some limits in changesets and changelogs
r1130 % if c.cut_off:
Augusto Herrmann
Added pt_BR localization, added i18n wrappers on some places missing, fixed css in settings screen for longer labels.
r1472 ${_('Changeset was too big and was cut off...')}
fixed some limits in changesets and changelogs
r1130 % endif
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
Implemented --stat for changelog
r1257 %for change,filenode,diff,cs1,cs2,stat in c.changes:
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 %if change !='removed':
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 <div id="${h.FID(filenode.changeset.raw_id,filenode.path)}" style="clear:both;height:90px;margin-top:-60px"></div>
<div class="diffblock margined comm">
show inline comments option
r1686 <div class="code-header">
some small css fixes for changesets
r816 <div class="changeset_header">
changed links with diff options into a pop-up menu. Saves space on long filenames and looks better
r1775 <div class="changeset_file">
fixes for issues #137 and #116 safe_unicode is now default for handling file names
r1176 ${h.link_to_if(change!='removed',h.safe_unicode(filenode.path),h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,
changed links with diff options into a pop-up menu. Saves space on long filenames and looks better
r1775 </div>
<div class="diff-menu-wrapper">
<img class="diff-menu-activate" style="margin-bottom:-6px;cursor: pointer" alt="diff-menu" src="${h.url('/images/icons/script_gear.png')}" />
<div class="diff-menu" style="display:none">
<li>${h.link_to(_('raw diff'),h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,f_path=h.safe_unicode(filenode.path),diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='raw'))}</li>
<li>${h.link_to(_('download diff'),h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,f_path=h.safe_unicode(filenode.path),diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='download'))}</li>
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 <li>${c.ignorews_url(h.FID(filenode.changeset.raw_id,filenode.path))}</li>
changed links with diff options into a pop-up menu. Saves space on long filenames and looks better
r1775 </ul>
- diff.css merge to main style.css...
r1772 <span style="float:right;margin-top:-3px">
show inline comments option
r1686 <label>
${_('show inline comments')}
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 ${h.checkbox('',checked="checked",class_="show-inline-comments",id_for=h.FID(filenode.changeset.raw_id,filenode.path))}
show inline comments option
r1686 </label>
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
#71 code-review...
r1677 <div class="code-body">
<div class="full_f_path" path="${filenode.path}"></div>
%if diff:
${_('No changes in this file')}
renamed project to rhodecode
r547 </div>
#77 code review...
r1670 %endfor
<%namespace name="comment" file="/changeset/changeset_file_comment.html"/>
#71 code-review...
r1677 ## template for inline comment form
#77 code review...
<div class="comments">
#71 code-review...
r1677 <div class="comments-number">${len(c.comments)} comment(s) (${c.inline_cnt} ${_('inline')})</div>
%for path, lines in c.inline_comments:
implements #307, configurable diffs...
r1776 <div style="display:none" class="inline-comment-placeholder" path="${path}" target_id="${h.FID(c.changeset.raw_id,path)}">
#71 code-review...
r1677 % for line,comments in lines.iteritems():
#71 code review...
r1682 <div class="inline-comment-placeholder-line" line="${line}" target_id="${h.safeid(h.safe_unicode(path))}">
#71 code-review...
r1677 %for co in comments:
#77 code review...
r1670 %for co in c.comments:
%if c.rhodecode_user.username != 'default':
<div class="comment-form">
${h.form(h.url('changeset_comment', repo_name=c.repo_name, revision=c.changeset.raw_id))}
#71 code-review...
r1677 <strong>${_('Leave a comment')}</strong>
#77 code review...
r1670 <div class="clearfix">
fixes inline comments double entries
r1681 <div class="comment-help">
${_('Comments parsed using')} <a href="${h.url('rst_help')}">RST</a> ${_('syntax')}
- diff.css merge to main style.css...
r1772 ${_('with')} <span style="color:#003367" class="tooltip" title="${_('Use @username inside this text to send notification to this RhodeCode user')}">@mention</span> ${_('support')}
fixes inline comments double entries
r1681 </div>
#77 code review...
r1670 ${h.textarea('text')}
<div class="comment-button">
${h.submit('save', _('Comment'), class_='ui-button')}
#71 code review...
r1674 <script type="text/javascript">
var deleteComment = function(comment_id){
var url = "${url('changeset_comment_delete',repo_name=c.repo_name,comment_id='__COMMENT_ID__')}".replace('__COMMENT_ID__',comment_id);
var postData = '_method=delete';
var success = function(o){
var n = YUD.get('comment-'+comment_id);
#71 code-review...
r1677 }
changed links with diff options into a pop-up menu. Saves space on long filenames and looks better
var act = e.currentTarget.nextElementSibling;
show inline comments option
r1686 YUE.on(YUQ('.show-inline-comments'),'change',function(e){
var show = 'none';
var target = e.currentTarget;
var show = ''
var boxid = YUD.getAttribute(target,'id_for');
var comments = YUQ('#{0} .inline-comments'.format(boxid));
for(c in comments){
- diff.css merge to main style.css...
r1772 var btns = YUQ('#{0} .inline-comments-button'.format(boxid));
for(c in btns){
show inline comments option
r1686 })
#71 code-review...
var tr = e.currentTarget;
added reply comment button on top of inline comments...
r1705 injectInlineForm(tr);
#71 code review...
r1682 });
// inject comments into they proper positions
var file_comments = YUQ('.inline-comment-placeholder');
for (f in file_comments){
var box = file_comments[f];
var inlines = box.children;
for(var i=0; i<inlines.length; i++){
fixed issue with new files and removed files with using inline comments
r1687 try{
inline comment form is displayed now under all comments.
fixed issue with new files and removed files with using inline comments
r1687 var inline = inlines[i];
var lineno = YUD.getAttribute(inlines[i],'line');
var lineid = "{0}_{1}".format(YUD.getAttribute(inline,'target_id'),lineno);
var target_line = YUD.get(lineid);
added reply comment button on top of inline comments...
var add = createInlineAddButton(target_line.parentNode,'${_("add another comment")}');
inline comment form is displayed now under all comments.
r1704 var comment = new YAHOO.util.Element(tableTr('inline-comments',inline.innerHTML))
fixed issue with new files and removed files with using inline comments
r1687 }catch(e){}
#71 code review...
r1682 }
#71 code-review...
r1677 })
#71 code review...
r1674 </script>
#77 code review...
r1670 </div>
Augusto Herrmann
Added pt_BR localization, added i18n wrappers on some places missing, fixed css in settings screen for longer labels.
r1472 </%def>